Sunday, July 22, 2012

UPDATE Day 42 Patrick Henry July 22nd, 2012

Hey Everyone....  I can't believe it's been 2 weeks since I was able to get on and update you guys.  It's been kinda busy around here and Mom hasn't let me get to the computer much.  She has been busy with my Grandma and her heart doctor appointments and stuff.  Grandma and Grandpa live a ways away so they have stayed with us quite a bit...  so it's been super busy here.  My uncles dog has been staying with my Mom and my Gma and Gpa have 3 dogs so it has been to crowded for me to get on the computer... if Mom let's me on here she says she has to let them all on and that's far to much internet time hehehe...  We have had 10 dogs here, not to mention my 2 cat siblings...  Our good friend Nikki.. she came to Mom's rescue and she took my brothers Roger and Doug to go stay with her for a little while.  I guess they go visit there ever so often... Nikki likes to foster and doesn't have any right now so she gets her "fix" by borrowing one or two of Mom's dogs... 

Oh... Grandma has to go to the hospital and get something called a cardioversion on Tuesday morning so everyone say a little prayer and send positive thoughts...  I don't think I would want anyone to shock my heart, but Gma says she wouldn't want to have worms in hers either so I think we are even  hehehe

So I've been feeling really good since my heartworm treatment.  Mom says I hardly missed a beat.  I had to have 3 more days of dewormer too... yuck... I'll be glad when I don't have anymore worms in here... gross.  I still have that big ole lump in my throat.  Mom keeps feeling it and I know she worries about it.  I'm going on Thursday to get neutered and my doctors will check out my lump then.  I'm not sure I like this idea of this whole neuter thing but mom assures me that I will still be a stud muffin.  Speaking of stuff muffin... I have this girl (a sheltie) Maci who has a big ole crush on me.. she thinks I'm a pretty handsome dude.  Her and her brothers and sister send me cards and letters, it's really REALLY cool.  

So check me out... I'm almost 100% all healed up...
I just have one tiny spot left on my nose.. but it doesn't even have a scab anymore... it's just a little dark place.  Mom and the doctor say I'm not going to get hair back on most of my wounds but that's okay I guess... my Mom says they are my badges of honor and bravery... I think that sounds pretty cool.  A lot of the ladies think scars are sexy  *wink wink

Oh, guess what...  I learned to play fetch....  Mom doesn't let me get too crazy cause she says I'm not allowed to bounce and run yet but she tosses my rope toy from Aunt Judy and Uncle Gary into the kitchen and I trot in there to get it.  I even bring it back to her most of the time but sometimes I think it's funny when she has to chase me to get it back.  

I'm still practicing my Spanish every day and working on mastering more commands.  I'm really really good and sit and shake and I'm doing pretty good on down and off... Mom says off a lot cause I think she likes it when I try and get in her lap every time she sits down.  

I also wanted to tell you guys that I been helping a lot of other dogs and I even helped some cats too.  Mom said I got more money then I needed for my vet care so she said I can use her paypal and donate to help some other dogs who need help like I did.  It's been pretty cool to be able to help so many others.  
 So I love to help mom in the kitchen... I'm not sure mom is 100% convinced I am much help but I'm workin on it.  The other night she was cooking fried potatoes and she dropped a piece of raw potato.  I love me some raw potatoes.  Mom says I'm weird... what do you guys think?  do you like raw potatoes?  Mom also let me have some cantaloupe and even though she loves cantaloupe she still says I'm weird lol

Well I guess I should get off here, it's super hot here today over 103.  Supposed to be 109 a couple days this week, can you believe it?  I can't imagine what would have happened to me if I was still so sick and hurt and out in this heat.  Anyway, the central air is MY thing.. and it's a great time for a nap...  I will make sure to be better about updates... 

I can't wait to update you all Monday evening.. I get to go meet a trainer to be evaluated... Mom thinks I could be a service dog someday and wants to see what the professionals think.  I'll let you guys know how it went... and remember.. send positive thoughts and prayers for my Grandma for Tuesday.  Oh and holy cow don't forget to send good vibes my way for that who neuter thing on Thursday....  YIKES!!!!!

Much love and hugs,
Patrick Henry



  1. You are such a beautiful little boy Patrick Henry glad you are healing up good love you sweet boy

    1. Thanks so much for the compliment... Love you too ~ Patrick Henry

  2. Thank you, Patrick Henry, for the great update. All my good thoughts are with you and family. You are an inspiration. Although I'm not sure about the raw potato thing :-)

    1. HAHAHA... I don't know what's wrong with my mom and you other people.. raw taters are good. Love Patrick Henry

  3. Good job! Patrick Henry you certainly are a stud and if you like potato's and cantalopes that is just fine cause they only come in Cruelty Free versions!

    1. Mom's still not sure about the raw potatoe thing hehehehe

  4. You certainly are a stud muffin Patrick Henry. What a great mom and extended family you have. Prayers for Grandma and for you. Stay cool in that heat, don't want you getting overheated. Barks and ahroos from Freckles and Murphy, the beagles.

    1. Hey Freckles and Murphy, thanks so much for stopping by to say hi and thank you for the prayers for us... Love Patrick Henry

  5. I just can't believe that you were out in some yard so badly injured and outside and suffering and then the "humane" society comes out to get you and leaves you in a cell to be put down....I don't get that. I don't understand why the impound would leave you to suffer for days inside a cell and then put you down. How can people do this? Look at you now, so strong, and gallant and beautiful. The person who saved you is a merciful person who is greatly blessed with wisdom that is not of this earth. I pray that someday we can change the way we treat our animals and that we may all have mercy in our hearts for all beings.Thank you........

    1. I am so with you on this Leeahdance. Do not know why they call them Humane Society . nothing Humane about that, But Thank God for people like PH's new owners. just plain Thank God. If not for them no one would know what a great dog PH is!

    2. You aren't kidding, you're a Stud Muffin! You are the handsome-est of handsome-est! Got my paws crossed for you and Grandma, and do your best for the trainer, but I bet you train THEM a few things too! LOL. Put on that charm, Sweet Boy, you can do it!
      I just love you, Patrick, you are an inspiration to us all. Talk to you soon....Love ya! Shirl in Pittsburgh

    3. hey patrick you look so great no wonder you have the girls wanting your atttention. oh and tell your mom you are not wierd well compared to my boy he loves everything probably after meat of course he loves apples and sometimes he even likes to have a little iced tea. so see you arent wierd just unique :) . well i will sure be thinking about your family i have had to have some big prayers and thoughts sent to my family recently so time to send it your way. keep on healing buddy and keep on eatin the taters and cantulope :) love ya debbie in emporia

    4. Thanks everyone for all the kind words and thoughts and prayers for me and my grandma.

      Leehadancer, I wasn't picked up by a humane society. I was seized from my backyard by the city animal control officers. And even though it still stinks.. They weren't trying to hold me there.. I was immediately put on the kill list because of my condition... My mom saw me when I came in though and wanted to help me.

      Hey momma Shirl... how are things in PA? Mom says to tell you she is sorry she hasn't kept in good contact with you lately.. she says she is kinda nuts right now and I can vouch for that hehehehe

      Hey Debbie.. thanks for stopping by and telling me I'm not the only weird one hehehehe I love me some cantaloupe.... yum yum. I'll have to try apples too.

      Love you all,
      Patrick Henry

    5. Sweet sweet boydog, you go ahead and love them TATERS! My boy likes my cuppa joe in the a.m., even when I drink it black, go figure! You and your family are in my thoughts and we're all sending good vibes your way! nm

  6. Patrick are a doll! Prayers said for your grandma and for you and your neuter and your lump biopsy. May God watch over you both and keep you safe and free from harm.
    You are an inspiration to us 2 legged people, sweet man! Keep up the good work!
    Much love,
    Terrie in Louisiana

    1. Hi Terrie, thanks so much for stopping by and for sending out the prayers for me and grandma. She's tough and so am I so I'm sure we will be just fine. Love and Hugs Patrick Henry

  7. Patrick - you ARE a handsome devil! Good luck with the upcoming will be fine...tell your Gma I wish her luck also. Will be thinking of you both and praying for the best outcome. Personally, I love raw potatoes. so if that makes you weird, then me too.LOL Read your blog, and visit your FB page when I am online, because I care about you and your well being and future, which is getting better every day. HURRAY!!

  8. I can tell you PH you are one handsome DUDE. And I know they are all taking very good care of you. THankful for A/C too. And as for you helping other animals with the over abundance you received is very noble of you. You would make an awesome service man, after you have been through sooooooo much pain and suffering.
    Love you BIG GUY have a great week, u wl be ok. And I thank God HE answered our prayers for you.
